Seven Photographers - Seven Lenses - Seven Days

07 September, 2009


This is the first day of the Seven Day Art Collective. We're an ensemble of diligent, quaint, humble photographers who have an eye for magic and a talent for capturing little wafts of life as they pass by. Our magic is visual, caught in the iris of our eyes, living in the heart of glass lenses. When we open our eyes, a flood of life and creativity rush in, and in the ever returning cycle of sorcery, our minds and souls return some of the most imaginative depictions of the world one will ever know. We're only as lucky and talented as you are. But for a little while, at least, we hope you take stock in your own magic as you witness ours.

But you can't expect to start a story without knowing the cast of characters. Let us introduce ourselves over this next week: lips, and eyes, and souls, and hair, and blemishes, and all. You can learn our names, and learn a little about ourselves as we all learn more about each other.

This week's theme: Take a self-portrait of your face.

Name: Chris
Age: 21
Homeland: The Republic of Texas

I write. I listen to music.
I prefer the nonsensical and abstract.
The less it makes sense, the better.
Normal is boring.


  1. Started, started! And so it begins. :]
    And hey to you too, Magna. Hope you're ready and raring for your big trip.
